Spotify’s Social Recommender
Authors: Tung Nguyen, Tuan Tran, Paolo Ratti
Advisor: Aron Culotta - TAPILAB
Artifacts: Presentation
Spotify is one of the biggest music streaming services. The service provides social feature which allows an user to follow other users’ music playlists. The community can also build a shared playlist together. Using Spotify users’ playlists and their corresponding Twitter’s networks, we want to understand how friends (and followers) influence users’ music taste. Consequently, we aim to build a music recommender based on user’s follower network.
- Collected Spotify users’ playlist and friends network. We scraped Twitter Streaming API for public tweets that contain #NowPLaying hashtag, which is a Spotify specific tag. We consider these users to be highly influential on their followers’ music predilection.
- Created a follower network among collected users.
- Created users’ taste profiles based on their playlists characteristics: acousticness, danceability, energy, speechiness,and valence.
- Incorporated Last.FM’s song tags to analyze users’ music listening habits (diversity, genre, etc.,)
- Built a collaborative-filtering recommender which predicts songs an user most likely listen to next based on their friends’ profiles.
- Achieved 0.77 AUC on 6-fold cross-validation in our next-song prediction model. A 40% increase from baseline Spotify’s current recommender (0.46 AUC).
- Collected ~5k Spotify users’ playlist and following/followers.
- For 1000 users with taste profiles, 14% of the songs that appeared in a follower/friend’s playlist would appear on the seed users’ playlist later on.
- 41% of the friends/followers of a seed user will share at least a common song with the seed user.
- Understood users’ listening habits and playlist diversity using text tokenization, PCA, and cosine similarity.
- Observed a strong correlation between of Spotify’s current recommender and users’ listening habits.