
Authors: Tung Nguyen
Artifacts: Code

Studied social network analysis techniques in class CS579-IIT, under professor Aron Culotta.
Notable topics:

  • Social Network Analysis: social graph theory, community detections, diffusion, graph dynamics, link prediction
  • Natural Language Processing: sentimental analysis, recommendation system, social network texts classification, topic modeling
  • Information Retrieval: data extraction from social network (Facebook, Twitter)

Selected projects

  • Used Twitter API to construct a social network of Twitter accounts
  • Implemented community detection and link prediction algorithms using Facebook β€œlike” data.
  • Clustered the Facebook graph into communities and recommended friends for Bill Gates.
  • Built a sentimental classifier based on IMDB movie reviews
  • Implemented a content-based recommendation algorithm, which used the list of genres for a movie as the content. The data come from the MovieLens project

Communities detection using Girvan-Newman algorithm on collected Twitter followers network.